Staking Modal

This is where all the action happens!

Clicking on the Stake/Unstake button anywhere within the game will take players to the staking modal for the selected Zeebro.

Here, players can take several actions that influence their benefits on Zeebit, and whether they’re actively participating in the game or not.

Rakeback Enhancement

All Zeebros come with a trait dependent rakeback enhancement that stacks on top of base player rakeback - increasing the rakeback the player earns if the Zeebro is staked.

If staked, the player can toggle the ‘Activate Zeebro Benefit’ switch to enhance their rakeback by the amount shown in the modal.

At any given time, a player can only receive the rakeback enhancement from one Zeebro for their player account. If you have multiple Zeebros staked, you will have the option to switch your rakeback benefit to the Zeebro of your choosing.

You can also choose a ‘fallback Zeebro benefit’ to automatically switch rakeback enhancement to another Zeebro when the given Zeebro is unstaked by selecting a fallback Zeebro from the dropdown.

Rakeback enhancements are only applied to the wallet used to stake the NFT, therefore you will need to be betting with the same wallet to receive the benefit.

Platform Avatar

Players can set their staked Zeebro as their platform avatar if they choose to do so.

This will affect the icon avatar shown for their player profile anywhere on the platform, such as in bet history tables or the leaderboard.

You can also choose a ‘fallback profile avatar’ to automatically switch your profile avatar to another Zeebro when the given Zeebro is unstaked by selecting a fallback Zeebro from the dropdown.

Profile avatars are only applied to the wallet used to stake the NFT, therefore you will need to be betting with the same wallet for that avatar to be displayed.

Unstaking Tax

To unstake their Zeebro NFT, players will have to pay the unstaking tax - 3.3% of the Zeebro NFT collection floor price at the time.

If players do not have the funds required to pay the tax in their wallet, they will be unable to unstake the NFT.

If players have unclaimed rewards, the value of those rewards will be automatically deducted from the unstaking tax - only requiring players to pay the remaining amount.

Time Staked

The length of time a Zeebro is staked is being actively tracked via smart contract. Any unstaking actions resets that timer - e.g. Unstaking an NFT and then staking it will start a fresh timer.

While time staked is not being actively used, it may very likely be an airdrop driver as the $ZBT token generation event approaches.

Therefore, ensure that you use the correct wallet for staking from the outset to prevent having to switch wallets and resetting the timer in the future.

Last updated