Attribute & Trait Modals

Attribute and Trait modals allow players to see statistics and information relating to specific attributes or traits.

Attribute Modal

Clicking on any attribute anywhere within the game opens up the attribute modal.

Here, under the ‘overview’ tab, players can see all the traits within that attribute. They can also click the dropdown on the top right to switch to a different attribute. For every trait within the selected attribute, they can see:

  • The name

  • Lifetime winnings distributed

  • Win expectancy for the current epoch

  • Supply rarity

  • Staked rarity

Under the ‘history’ tab, players can view the history of that attribute for every past epoch of the trait lottery.

For each instance where that attribute was drawn, players can view:

  • The drawn trait

  • The date the attribute was drawn

  • The proportion of that attribute which was staked

  • The total winnings distributed

  • The winnings distributed per Zeebro

Trait Modal

Clicking on any trait within an attribute modal, or anywhere within the game, opens up the trait modal.

Here, under the ‘overview’ tab, players can see the following information about the selected trait:

  • Trait image and name

  • Attribute category the trait belongs to

  • Supply & Staked rarity

  • Proportion of that trait staked

  • Lifetime wins and winnings

  • Average win expectancy and win expectancy for the current epoch

Under the ‘Gallery’ tab, players can see a list style view of all Zeebros with the selected trait.

For each Zeebro, the following information can be seen:

  • Its number

  • Its owner

  • The number of Zeebro or trait lotteries its won

  • Its lifetime winnings

  • Its stake status (staked/unstaked)

Under the ‘History’ tab, players can see the history of the trait for each epoch it was drawn.

For each instance the trait was drawn, this includes:

  • The date it was drawn

  • The proportion of it which was staked

  • The total winnings distributed

  • The winnings distributed per Zeebro

Last updated