Getting Started

How to get started on Zeebit's Mainnet Alpha.

Please ensure you've read through the entirety of the What is Public Beta section before continuing on.

Place a Bet in 3 Steps

Application Features

The Zeebit application has a variety of features available in the early stages of Public Beta!

Currently Available

  • Homepage Navigation - A place to navigate through everything happening on Zeebit - find games, promotions and more.

  • Navigation Side Bar - A left-hand side navigation bar to see games, profile information, social links, and settings and more in one area.

  • Funding Dropdown & Wallet Modal - A click dropdown to select your preferred betting currency, and modals to fund your wallet with gas (Solana) or a betting currency.

  • Profile Dropdown, Settings, Notifications, Chat toggle - A click dropdown to view your player profile settings, a dropdown to access settings, and toggles to open up the notifications tab and in-platform chat.

  • In-platform chat - A live in-platform chat integrated with the #casino-chat room in Zeebit's Discord. You do not need a Discord profile to use the chat.

  • Referrals - Players can create referral links and accrue referral revenue share, but the ability to claim those rewards has not yet been enabled.

  • Leaderboard - Filter top players by time, games, and tokens. Cross-token metrics are reported in USD-terms, while token specific metrics are displayed in token units. (i.e. SOL, USDT, etc)

  • Player Dashboard - Where players can view their stats on Zeebit:

    • Total $ wagered

    • Number of bets placed

    • Rank

    • Points till next rank

    • 7 day streak bar

    XP accrual is enabled.

Not Yet Available

  • NFT Staking

  • Bonuses and Rewards

Last updated